Wednesday, February 20, 2008

an update because I'm dreadfully behind on this thing...

Note from the Dept. of WTF:

This quickly turned into a post that was originally supposed to be a to-do list. The result is frightening and shouldn't be read aloud while sitting bored in the office on some idle Wednesday afternoon, especially not one like sir...


-Write something on football season for Stereodust (AND UPDATE THAT THING YOU ASSHOLE)

-Look into getting a domain name. Maybe it'll be cheaper than you think. That can't be taken, right? Right.

-BLOG. BLOG. BLOG. Write down the weird shit that goes through your head all day. You know you could sit here and type about anything all day and only the strongest-willed and soundest of mind could possibly labor through all of it. DON'T BULLSHIT YOURSELF, PARKER! See, you're doing it again. And that was only, what, 3 lines? Jesus.

-We believe, we believe....ah, god those nights on the dance floor are so liberating, aren't they? Fuck me, go see a show sometime soon. Go to And One tomorrow. It'll be FUN.

-I miss Corrine. I love her. It's maddeningly obvious by now. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, but it also makes the netherregions antsy and impatient as hell. Having her around just makes...everything better. I'm told our "cuteness" makes everyone else roll their eyes and yell some kind of barf-inducing comment about how...barf...inducing...we hell with this, next thought:

-Fucking christ, I'm hungry. I'll be needing some sustinence soon. But when? It's 10:40 a.m. and I HAD breakfast this morning...what is this strange gurgling puking feeling that's surging up in my gut right about now? Maybe I'll take lunch early...escape the office for at least an hour anFUCK I have to go to Auburn today and take pictures of some weird bike-parts shop that used to be a junkyard or some crazy thing.

-It's the 3-year anniversary of Hunter's death today. It's a sobering thought that three years ago tonight, I was a raving, jabbering mess, feeling as though my guiding light had been suddenly blown out and I'd been left in the dark for the rest of time. The shock of hearing the news for the first time was almost unbearable, but the world has continued on without him, in a downward spiral that is almost turning his final predictions of a bleaker world into a frightening reality.

Jesus, I just read an exercpt from something I posted while on drugs from three years. That was unsettling.

God dammit all, it's almost noon and I haven't found the motivation to do JACK SHIT yet today, and that could be very bad in the foreseeable future. I think I've been writing, but....wait...what have I been writing?! You tell me, and then we'll go from there. Deal?! OK.


Why the hell are you still reading this?!

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